Saturday 26 May 2012

First week effects

This week I worked on a whiteboard prototype. It is quite usable now. It offers drawing straight lines, freehand paths, rectangles, circles, polygons and writing text. It also allows to delete items and move them.
Here is screenshot of my prototype:

To implement it I use QGraphicsScene with classes inherited from QGraphicsItem which provides almost every functionality I need. I think that I will have to create my own class for handling freehand paths because QPainterPath, which I use now, automatically closes path and fills covered area.

Friday 18 May 2012

First post

It's first post on this newly created blog. I thought about creating some kind of homepage some time ago, but I never realized that idea. Recently I have been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2012 and I was encouraged to create a blog. So here it is :). I will use it mainly to post informations about progress with my project, but not only. This summer I will be adding whiteboarding to Swift. I think it is very interesting project and I won't be bored.